Tuesday, October 07, 2008


all of these old blogs are making me nostalgic. do you guys remember the good ol' days of blogging? some random postings, treaseure hunts and having to put up with my emo-rants. yeah, those were the days. now we're all off at college or something and we will not be able to see each other all the time as before. i miss drama. i don't know if i really want to do it at college though, these are hardcore theatre people and i'd probably disapoint. it would still be pretty hard to get into the program if you aren't a theatre major and you don't know the professors, even if it were for some backstage or tech job it would still be pretty small. oh well. how are your college expierences going? i hope they're going swell. just to let you guys know i'm messed up, just in case you didn't notice it through our highschool carreer together. take care.


Monday, October 15, 2007

In Other News...

The last post is depressing. (Sorry Pat!)
So... Here's a new one.
How's the college search going for all of you? Where are you looking/considering?
I'm really thinking Columbia College, in Chicago. I wish I could get into Concordia because it seems like a really cool place, but I'm thinking that I do not have the necessary GPA.
How about majors? I'm curious as to where all of you lean on this subject. I'm thinking I'll go Technical Theatre, and Creative Writing if I can double it. Interesting how I put theatre as a higher priority than writing, but I think that's how I would prefer it.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm done

So unless something big happens within the next two months, this will be my last show. I just don't have the drive, and the passion I once thought I had. I would look at the script, devour it, take it every where with me, but now it just sits in my bag until I have to use it to say a line.

I feel horrible that this is what it comes to, and if my passion doesn't return, I feel even worse for taking parts away from people in this play.

I don't know.

Friday, September 21, 2007

since nobody cares about blogs

well here i am living my nonexistent life in the realm of reality with nothing but a butter knife, three marbles, a copy of the brainerd daily dispatch, my saxophone and chap stick. fighting fire with fire along the dimensional world of water in the alternate universe that was created but was abanded because it made "no sense." well some people may want to live there for the reasons they don't want to live here, because there it is much worse than here but they don't care because it makes "no sense." in the world where everything depends on how you want it to because nothing happens without something happening before that so it will make sense for the other to happen. well no one who wants to live else where cares about what happens here if they want to live there or else where. what's the point to anything if nothing matters in the end, why does everything need to be about getting this, doing that, finding the "correct" answer. who the hell knows what right and wrong means? deciding what's right and wrong is very biased. who was the one that said 2+2=4? what gives them the right to decide that, what if they're wrong and everything built upon what they decided is wrong? i'm just saying how do we know that 2+2=4, what if it actually equals 3, and 3+3=8. why is everything based off what they decided thousands of years ago. why does every piece of literature have to have some sort of meaning behind it? what if some crazy person wrote something down, not knowing what they're writing and somebody else finds it and starts making ridiculous assumptions about the meaning of it and say they author wrote it for a reason deep in the writing. why the hell does everything supposed to be done with a purpose or supposed to carry some sort of meaning behind it? WHY! and why is there religion, why did religion get made up? was man feeling alone and scared and needed reasons for things he didn't understand or didn't want to and needed something to be there because he felt alone and wasn't able to get along on his own accord. it makes people narrow minded at times after they're forced to believe during their childhood of all the power and how everything works according to some book. i can't even put into words my feelings on this matter seeing as how they are all over the place so i'm just going to stop now. why does everything that even rubs against me the wrong, even the slightest thing, make me so upset that i don't even feeling like talking? why do i make such little things into big things? why do i worry about the future on night and the next could care less about it? why am i so messed up? why do i take solace in the fact that a few months from now there will be snow on the ground, everything is dead, it's really cold out and it's darker? while fighting fire with fire along the dimensional world of water in the alternate universe one finds oneself in a peculiar and dissident entanglement. what does one do in that position? the answer is whatever you feel answers it the best, you decide what's right or wrong or if anything is ever right or wrong. no rules here with correctness or ridiculous meanings, it's not determined by them, it's determined by you if you want or it can just stay undetermined. however you feel at the moment you create it's meaning is what it means. doesn't matter what someone else says. but the other place is a land of chaos where nothing can be what you think it is without you thinking of it before it comes to mind. it makes no difference if this rambling, idiotic and senseless post means anything to you, but i will bring some of the other place here and have you decide the meaning of this. there is no meaning to it untill you the reader makes one, so if you want this to have a meaning, decide for yourself what it means and believe it.


Sunday, August 05, 2007

you guys should get a kick out of this


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


so the marine corps called me today. i talked to the guy for a while, he seemed like a pretty good guy and loves what he does. i didn't say that i wanted to join, but if my plans (if you can call them that) don't work out i told him that i would consider it. i don't want to join. who knows what will happen in my future.